How to Finish Homework Fast? Real Question or a Dream Plea?
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How to Finish Homework Fast? Real Question or a Dream Plea?

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Samantha Williams
Oct 14, 2024
17 min

How to Finish Your Daily Homework Quickly

How to finish this article fast? Why, even after days of research, does it still take hours upon hours to finish? And don’t forget procrastination.
Does the first question seem familiar? No? Let’s replace the word “article” with “homework.” The bane of all students. Homework seems to consume all of your time. Yes, there are several good reasons to spend more time on homework:
  • A deeper understanding of the subject
  • Better grades
  • Developing work ethics for your future
Aside from bringing you good grades, it allows you to comprehend the subject better. But life, especially in your school or college years, is not only about… or even rarely about homework.
Thus, comes the question: how to do your homework fast? How to prevent doing homework turning into an all-consuming process without sacrificing your grades?
We are going to provide you with tips on how to do hw faster while analyzing why doing your assignments often turns into a painstaking process.

How to Do Homework Faster: Major Tips That Actually Work

While you may encounter some students that somehow manage to balance their life with homework, time spent at the educational institutions, generally, offers only two options: sacrifice leisure for good grades or sacrifice good grades for leisure.
But why can’t you belong to those few who manage to have their cake and eat it? To be honest, there’s no elite group of students who manage to do assignments quickly. There are those who know a few tricks.
So, let’s check out the tips on how to get school work done faster:
  • Keep track of your assignments
  • Find a comfortable place to work
  • Avoid distractions
  • Don’t touch your phone
  • Take short breaks between doing homework
Keeping track of your assignments allows you to avoid recalling that you have that one more thing at the last minute. A comfortable place to study fixes a lot of problems with concentration, provided that’s the place to study and not for relaxation or leisure.
Avoiding distractions allows not losing track of time, the main thing that makes you sit over your homework for hours. Ditching the phone while you’re studying also allows avoiding getting distracted and wasting time.
Short breaks, given they are actually short, prevent your brain from getting overloaded, hence contributing to staying focused. So, those are the main tips. They are of no magic, which may disappoint you. But try them, and you will be surprised how quickly your homework can be done.

How to Do a Lot of Homework in One Day?

Before we get to this question, we need to answer a different one: why does homework take so long?
We are not taking into account factual reasons, like, there’s a lot of it. Also, we are not talking here about procrastination, either. So, what is left, then? The regret.
The regret that you could be doing something else instead of your boring home assignment. And here, time management comes in handy.
Let’s be honest: there is literally no way to avoid doing homework. But that doesn’t mean that all your free time should be devoted solely to it. Why not dedicate one day to doing most of your homework instead?
Yes, there are assignments that you have to do from day to day, but as for the long-term assignments, pick one day on the weekend to do them. It can be difficult, but if you follow the tips provided in the previous point, you can do it. And you have more days off to enjoy yourself.

How to Finish Your Homework Fast on a Daily Basis

We’ve already mentioned homework tasks that you have to do every day. Now, think about your day, specifically the time that you get back from school.
You come home, you eat, you have some leisure time, and only then you get to doing your homework.
Now, ask yourself, what are you doing? Basically, you are delaying doing your homework. And it’s easy to understand why.
You spend half of your day at school, and upon returning home, you have to get back to your studies. Where’s your free time?
But delaying homework brings more regrets. In the end, you sit over your assignments and wonder why you haven’t done them earlier. And you end up with sleep deprivation.
So, how to get homework done faster? Get to it right after getting back home, when everything you’ve learned in class is fresh in your memory. This way, you get the tasks done faster and enjoy yourself without homework looming over you.

How to Finish Homework in 10 Minutes Without Sci-fi Tools?

Okay, we know that it’s impossible to do all of your homework in just ten minutes. That’s definitely something out of science fiction or fantasy. However, there are certain assignments that don’t require a lot of time: simple equations, grammar exercises, and short essays. The tips on making them are quite simple:
  • Do them on the break, while at school (equations and exercises)
  • Come up with the topic you want to write
  • Get all the necessary source materials
  • Research the topic properly
  • Outline the essay in your head
  • Sit down and write it
Of course, it can work only for school essays. And such an approach works with the first draft.
But, to be fair, ten minutes is just enough to write between 500 and 1500 words, an average length of a school essay draft. You can get back to working on a final version later.
So, here we get back to breaks once again and time management skills. The only thing that can force you to write an essay for several hours to come up with a definitive version is remembering it before the deadline.
But how to get a lot of homework done fast? You can’t do it in ten minutes, but we will tell you how not to waste all of your free time on it in the next segment.

What to Do If You Have a Lot of Homework?

Well, the obvious suggestion would be to run away from home to live in the wild and to never have anything to do with homework. Just kidding.
The first thing you need to do is to keep the perfectionist inside of you quiet. There’s always a possibility that you won’t complete everything, and there’s no reason to get upset about it.
The next step in how to deal with a lot of homework is to accept that you have to do it. The thoughts of running away are tempting, but that’s not a good way out of it.
Then, once again, keep track of your tasks and try doing them as soon as they are assigned. This way, you will be able to prevent homework from piling up; hence, you will never have to do a lot of homework assignments.
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What to Do When You Have a Lot of Homework and Little Time?

Even the most diligent students run into situations when they have a lot of homework to do in a little time. There are two things that you need to avoid doing at all costs in situations like that.
First, don’t wonder how on earth you ended up like this. In other words, don’t waste your time on regrets. Things that you could’ve and should’ve done to avoid dealing with a huge stack of assignments have not been done already. And the time machine still hasn’t been invented.
The second thing to avoid is sitting and figuring out how to finish a lot of homework in one hour. Doing a lot of assignments ASAP means you don’t have much time for planning. The only thing that you can and should plan is a task with which to start.
And here, you need to choose wisely. Our suggestion? Pick the hardest one and deal with simpler tasks later.
The only trick here is to do homework focused: in a comfortable environment with no distractions.

What to Do When You’re Done With School Work?

Okay, we more or less figured out how to get assignments done fast, but there’s another question: what to do when the homework is done?
Do you ever feel a certain level of emptiness after the task is done? Like a blank page that you have to fill. There are numerous things that you can do after dealing with your homework:
  • Check your work for errors
  • Go for a walk
  • Read a book
  • Watch a movie
  • Take a nap
In any way, you should reward yourself. Because without a reward, the work you’ve done feels a little worthless. So, throw a party, in a sense.
You can also help somebody else with their homework if you’re that altruistic. But before you do any of that, make sure there is no assignment that you might have forgotten about. And after the party, you can start anticipating your next tasks.

How to Finish Homework Fast? A Question With the Answer

As you can see, the question about finishing homework fast is more than a dream plea. And, while there’s no super potion that you can drink to finish assignments in the blink of an eye, there are tips that actually work.
So, how to finish homework quickly? The first and most important thing is to keep track of assignments. This way, your homework won’t pile up, and you won’t have to devote weekends to do it. And you need to find a place where you can do your homework without getting distracted.
You should also take short breaks between doing homework, as you cannot stay focused forever. Another trick on how to do homework efficiently is to do assignments as soon as you get them.
Yes, unfortunately, there are no magic tricks. All you need to do is do your homework without waiting till the last minute.
But you don’t need to worry that you cannot do everything in one day. It’s almost impossible to control everything and do everything on time, so there’s no need to be too harsh on yourself if one task hasn’t been done.
And don’t forget to reward yourself with some leisure time after the work is done.

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Yes, there are several tips on how to get done with homework fast. Firstly, you need to keep track of your tasks. Secondly, you need to find an environment that is comfortable for you to study, where you won’t get distracted. You need to stay focused on your tasks, but you should take short breaks between assignments so as not to overload yourself. It’s better to avoid social media on those breaks.
The key to completing assignments on time is doing them as soon as they are assigned. If it’s a difficult assignment that requires a lot of preparation and research, it is better to start researching the topic and gathering the necessary source materials in advance. It is also important to keep track of your assignments and their deadlines. This way, you won’t end up doing the assignment at the last minute or missing the deadline.
No, it’s impossible to do all the homework in ten minutes; however, there are certain assignments that don’t require a lot of time. There are many school tasks that can be done in ten minutes or even less. Even a short essay can be written in ten minutes if you’ve researched the topic well and have the paper outlined. But doing all the home assignments in ten minutes is, unfortunately, something out of fantasy novels.
While you can say that a good grade is already a reward for your homework, it is necessary to reward yourself after finishing work on time. It can be whatever you enjoy. This way, you can teach yourself that having your home assignments done comes with a reward. Thus, the process of doing your homework becomes less tedious and more enjoyable. Plus, you get extra motivation to finish your tasks on time.