Wanna know more about our service?
Our customers are often curious to learn more about our service. Here, we've addressed the most common questions, helping you better understand what WritePapers is all about.

Brilliance in a budget
- Writing11.40/page
- Editing5.70/page
- Rewriting7.98/page
Top-tier writer
Unlimited revisions
Title page
Plagiarism report
General questions
Learn how our service works, what we guarantee to customers, and how we craft papers for you. Discover the perks of choosing WritePapers!
- Create an account on our platform. You can also sign up via Google or Facebook.
- Fill out the simple order form. Tell us all about your assignment – paper type, deadline, topic, word count, academic level, preferred citation style, etc. Attach instructions from your prof, or just type them in. And don't worry! You can always share study materials with your writer. Feel free to provide as many files as you deem necessary.
- Select your writer. Once your order is in, you'll start receiving bids from our adept writers. Don't choose hastily! Take time to find out more about each expert, skim through their bios and ratings, check out their specialization, or even chat with writers directly.
- Place a deposit to secure a writer. Don't fret, your money will stay in your account until you approve your expert's work.
- Track your writer's progress and communicate with them via our secure chat. Once your work is ready, you can review it, ask for edits, and release the payment to your helper.
Ordering and delivery
Find out how WritePapers works! Learn more about our order process, writer selection, turnaround time, and accepting writer bids.
- Contact our friendly customer support team, and they'll sort this out.
- Request a refund according to our Refund Policy
Our experts
Get to know all about our esteemed writers, their qualifications, expertise, and the best way to communicate with them.
Pricing & payments
Wondering how much your essay will cost? Want to know how to pay for your order? Find answers to all these questions and more here.
- Assignment type. We can help you with 50+ different kinds of academic papers. However, more complex works like Master's theses can cost more than basic essays.
- The type of service you need (editing, writing, rewriting, proofreading, problem-solving, calculations, etc.)
- Your academic level. We offer expert assistance to all students, from high schoolers to Ph.D. graduates. Master's and Ph.D.-level works require more time and expertise, so they are typically more expensive.
- Word count. Ordering lengthier papers can save you a great deal of money, as we offer generous discounts on larger orders.
- Deadline. We prioritize urgent orders, so the rate for these requests is higher. That's why we recommend requesting our assistance in advance if you have time to spare.
Security & privacy
Worried about your account's security? WritePapers offers a safe, smooth experience to every customer. Find out more here.